
Posts Tagged ‘Cittadini per l’Europa’

E’ iniziato da poco il 2011 e subito sono disponibili 5 posti per questo training course che si svolgerà tra il 27 gennaio e il 6 febbraio in Bulgaria e nel weekend 7-8-9 maggio, a livello locale, con l’organizzazione di un evento in occasione della Giornata della Cittadinanza Europea.

Il corso, inserito all’interno del Programma Cittadini per l’Europa Azione 2 è intitolato PEACE Practical Educational Approaches for Civic Equality. Per candidarsi inviare il proprio cv in formato europeo all’indirizzo e-mail infoyer@gmail.com.

Questi gli obiettivi e l’organizzazione del training:

The intercultural learning and cooperation implies a set of values, attitudes, modes of behaviour and ways of life that reject violence and prevent conflicts by tackling their root causes to solve problems through dialogue and negotiation among individuals, groups and nations. There are many conflict areas and fields on the territory of the EU countries and beyond that is why the training of multipliers who will work with youngsters in such areas is of a big importance. A well developed training methodology for multipliers who will disseminate their experience and knowledge among young people will lead to intercultural tolerance and will stimulate closer relations, efficient cooperation and development in social, cultural, political and economic aspect.

The training course will be divided into 4 modules covered in 10 days. The training will propose the multipliers tools to work with young people to prevent conflicts, intolerance, xenophobia and discrimination.

Two international 3-day campaigns “Messages of PEACE” will be organised, in Greece and in Italy to promote intercultural cooperation and raise awareness on the common values of European identity. They will also promote and celebrate the Day of Europe.

As a whole the project will help:

  • Develop models for effective behaviour in multicultural environment of young people from conflict areas and fields
  • Create a feeling among the youngsters that they are part of a whole, to explore the things that unite them, as well as their differences
  • Young people perceive differences as values, to become more sensitive to those differences
  • Young people increase sensibility to intolerance and discrimination
  • Young people become aware of the manifestations of discrimination and the ways for reaction against it, the problems in multicultural dialogue and ways to improve it
  • Develop a tolerant community among young people from conflict areas and fields
  • Improve young people’s knowledge and awareness on other cultures


Activity 1- Training Course For Multipliers

Part 1: Programme for intercultural Learning and Cooperation: 5 days

Part 2: Young peoples`s civic values: 1 day

Part3: Conflict resolution: 2 days

Part 4: Interactive Methods Applicable to the Training for Intercultural Learning and Cooperation: 2 days

A detailed programme is attached to the hard copy.

Activity 2- Campaign

Day 1: Presentation of the project and activities. Presentation of the Europe for Citizens Programme. Press conference.

Day 2: Preparing local campaign. Local campaign.

Day 3: Evaluation. Dissemination of results.

Activity 3- Campaign

Day 1: Presentation of the project and activities. Presentation of the Europe for Citizens Programme. Press conference.

Day 2: Preparing local campaign. Local campaign.

Day 3: Evaluation. Dissemination of results.


International Initatives for Cooperation

Association “Youth of the XXI Century”

Associazione Culturale II Monastero

Youthnet Hellas

United Youth of Europe

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